Sunday, June 19, 2005
school officially started..yeah right.. just when i was having a blast umm..sleeping..that is.. it's been a long time since i've posted anything here..
just few days before going to manila, my sister was hit by a motorcycle.. i didn't know what to do, it happened in a flash, (i didn't even remember their faces.. those bastards!) when i looked at her, she was already lying on the road.. and those f**kers didin't even stop to help her.. i felt like a leaf, i literally shivered as if i was the one hit.. i felt guilt and anger because of that accident.. thankfully she suffered only minor bruises.. if anyhting happened to my sister, i probably wouldn't forgive myself..
i don't why there are still creeps who act as if nothing happened.. how could they be so mean? ugghh.. was helping her stand that much of a deal?
the world IS still inhabited with f**kfaces.. i'm so stupid to believe otherwise..
*** random thoughts @
2:47 AM